
Freitag, 30. Oktober 2015

Akasha Makeup tipps

Hi everyone,

as it's Halloween and Akashas white-bronze outfit is my next project, I wanted to do a makeup test on her look.
I already made her dark outfit 10 year ago, but back then I hadn't much experience concerning makeup. So I thougt I give it another try ;)

Another thing I hadn't bake then, falsies and green contacts...

I started my look with straightening my hair. Here's a before an after picture.

It's kind of odd seeing my with straight hair, but I like it :)

Before I put my makeup on, I inserted the green contacts. Then I used BB creme to make my skin look more even. I didn't use concealer under the eyes this time, Akasha is after all a Vampire ;) I contured my face and nose with bronzer and a brown eyeshadow.
Before starting with the eyes I applied a primer on the lids.

I bought this lovely new eyeshadow palette, I just love those colors <3

I started with the brown shadow and then went to black, just under the brows and in the inner corners of my eyes I used the creme-white.Then I shaped the dramatic egytian brows.

Next step was applying eyeliner on my lower whaterline and under the lower lashline. For a even more dramatic look I used falsies. I never use the glue that comes with them, I have one from "Fringer's" with a smal brush.

I apply the glue and let it dry for 30-40 seconds before I put them on, this way it stays in place quite instantly.

As finish I applied gold creme shadow in the inner corner of my eyes, I also put some of this gold on my lips and then toped it with a nude lipgloss.

And of course I needed fangs ;) Some time I want to make my own costumized fangs...

Yeah that's it I'm done and here's the result :)

Have a nice and scarry HALLOWEEN guys :))


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NEW: Cosplay Amino App --> @FILMKOSTUEME

Samstag, 26. September 2015

Elsa corset WIP

Hey everyone :)
I just started my Elsa corset and wanted to share this with you ;)

So this is the pattern I made

For the base of the corset I used a cotton denim and a blue crepe I hade in my scrap box. I ironed on some interfacing to the crepe, cause it was very slippery...

Then I sewed the layers together and all the pieces ;)

No bonig yet, but I already made the tunnels for them...

Also this week my shimmer sheats arrived <3 I'm going to cut lots and lots of sequins for my corset :P

Isn't it beautyful? I already love those shimmery things :) 
Maybe I'm going to hate them later, when I have to fix them to the corset ^^ will see...

Dienstag, 22. September 2015

Tauriel Cosplay Shooting Part 2

So here's the second part of my Tauriel shooting. My archer dress and corset and the traveling cloak.

Hope you like the pictures :D



I'll try to post more frequently again ;)


You can also follow me on:
NEW: Cosplay Amino App --> @FILMKOSTUEME

Sonntag, 20. September 2015

Elsa skirt WIP

So I finally started my Elsa cosplay :) 
First thing is her skirt. I mad a muck up to test my pattern, I almost always do this and highly recomend it. Cause it can be very frustrating to start with the real fabric and you mess it up. That way you might even have to buy new fabric and start again... 

So back to Elsa: here's my skirt mock up

Made the slash a bit higher up the leg the leg then the original, cause for one I like it better this way and secondly it looked funny the other way when I walked around. The skirt kinda moves more fluently like this ;)

After the mock up I cut the actual fabric:

This is what my pattern looks like and yes it was a very close call with the amount if fabric I bought... I guess I got lucky.. ;) I had about 4 meters and I thought it was more then enough ^^

After sewing all the pieces together my skirt looks like this now.

And I'm so happy with it <3 The fabric is just perfect, it's so pretty and sparkly :)
Just need to hand sew the hem and libe it and then it will be finished. 
But I'll do that later on, cause I don't have my actual shoes yet and I also need to buy the lining fabric  ;)

Next thing is the corset base, maybe I'll be able to start it today... So stay tuned!


Btw I have no idea how this post looks in a browser, cause it's the first post I made via app. So I'm sorry if this looks messy ^^

You can also follow me on:
NEW: Cosplay Amino App --> @FILMKOSTUEME

Dienstag, 18. August 2015

Tauriel Captain of the Guard Cosplay Shooting

Hi everyone :) 
sorry for the radio silence.... I just have lots of stuff going on and not much time left to update my blog :(
But I wanted to share some pics of this amazing shooting in the woods of my Tauriel costumes :D
Hallo Leute :)
tut mir leid, dass ich schon lange nichts mehr gepostet habe..... Ich hab momentan wahnsinning viel um die Ohren und das lässt mir kaum noch Zeit meinen Blog zu pflegen :(
Aber ich wollte euch dieses tolle Tauriel Fotoshooting nicht vorenthalten :D




Hope like the photos :) I will post some more pic of this shooting soon... I promis! ;)
Hoffe euch gefallen die Bilder :) I werde bald noch mehr Fotos von diesem Shooting posten.... Versprochen! ;)


You can also follow me on:
NEW: Cosplay Amino App --> @FILMKOSTUEME

Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2015

Tauriel dagger: finished

I made a newer version for this tutorial on my new blog.
go check it out :) --> 


Hey guy,
I'm so sorry for not posting a lot lately. I'm being very busy... If you want to see more regular updates visit my facebook or instagram site ;)  (links at the bottom of this post)
Hallo Leute,
tut mir sehr leid, dass ich in letzter Zeit so wenig Posts machen konnte. Ich hab grad sehr viel zu tun .... wenn ihr regelmässigere Updates möchtet, besucht doch meine Facebook oder Istagram Seite ;) (Links ganz unten in diesem Post)

In the mean time I finished my Tauriel daggers, hear are the final steps:
In der Zwischenzeit habe ich die Tauriel Dölche fertiggestellt, hier die letzten Schritte:

Painting the handle, first the "wood part" in brown, not to heavily applied so you can still see the structure underneath.
Den Griff bemalen, zuerst den "Holzteil" in Braun, nicht zu dick aufgetragen, damit man die Struktur darunter immernoch sehen kann.

Then the golden part on top and bottom
Dann die goldenen Verzierungen oben und unten

At last the shadows around the edges of the golden decorations, to give it some depth
Zum Schluss schattieren an den Kanten der Verzierungen um dem Ganzen Tiefe zu verleihen

And your done ;)
Und fertig ;)

More news on other projects will follow soon :) I also had a Tauriel photoshoot, but don't have the pictures yet :D
Mehr news über andere Projekte folgen blad :) Ich hatte auch bereits ein Tauriel Fotoshooting, warte aber noch auf die Bilder :D


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Mittwoch, 22. April 2015

Tauriel daggers: WIP - painting

I made a newer version for this tutorial on my new blog.
go check it out :) -->


Over the weekend, I started the painting word :)
Übers Wochenende habe ich mit dem Anmalen begonnen :)

First I spray painted the blades silver
Zuerst habe ich die Klingen silbern angesprüht

After that I hand painted the details in gold and black acrylic paint
Danach habe ich die Details handbemalen mit goldener und schwarzer Acrylfarbe

Hope to find some more time to paint this week :D
Hoffe ich finde noch etwas Zeit diese Woche um weiter zu malen :D


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Donnerstag, 16. April 2015

Luthien traveling dress

I made this dress for the Rivendell festival 2013. I call it my Luthien traveling dress, it's inspired from a Skyrim dress ;)) My friend is wearin Eowyns traveling dress, also done by me.
Ich habe dieses Kleid für das Bruchtalfest 2013 gemacht. Ich nenne es mein Luthien Reisekleid, es ist inspiriert von einem Skyrim Kleid ;)) Meine Begleiterin trägt Eowyns Reiseoutfit, auch von mir angefertigt.


Hope you like the pictures :)
Hoffe euch gefallen die Bilder :)


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